To Inspire

Genealogy is a great hobby. Always something new to find whether it be a new name, story or event in history. I hope this inspires you a little bit to find out something new about your family and pass it on so the history doesn't get lost. If your new to my blog, please see the tab "Archive Index" - these are all my past articles. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Types of Research

I had someone ask me about the different types of charts and research that people can do.  I will tell you about the top three most popular types or styles and describe what they are.  You can pick one to start off or to fulfill your purpose of the research or do all three.

The first is Pedigree Charts:  This is a way of relaying your information.  You can start with what you know, start with yourself and work forward and backward or begin with a specific ancestor.  Use pedigree charts, family group sheets or other forms to do this.  Most are available with programs or online.  Software programs offer a lot of choices.

One type of Pedigree chart

Some types of ascendant pedigree charts are in the form of a table or list called Ahnentafel tables.
Pronunciation: [ah-nin-tah-ful].  It is a numbering system used to identify each individual in a family tree.

Example: Ancestors are numbered on pedigree charts using a numbering system. You (or the person whose ancestry is being traced) are number 1. A father is twice his child’s number (1 x 2 = 2) and a mother is twice the child’s number plus one (1 x 2 = 2 + 1 = 3). The numbers for men are always even and the numbers for women are always odd, with the exception of number 1 which can obviously be either. 
If you start anAhnentafel chart with yourself as #1, what number would your father's paternal grandmother be?
your father's paternal grandmother is the mother of your father's father. Therefore:
#1 = you
#2 = your father
#4 = your father’s father
#9 = your father’s
father’s mother (2 x 4 + 1)
Example - you can see the #'s in front of each name

Second popular type of research for genealogy is doing a Memoir or Narrative.  This is a story and personal experience that can be very effective alone or within a family tree project.  People find this form enjoyable to read if you want people to read about your ancestors down the line.  Write and research.  

I started my research by doing the first option - Pedigree charts. Then I started filling it in with the next option, of doing narratives on the people.  Some of my ancestors wrote out their stories for me and I integrated them into my system.  Famous people, I look on many sites for information.  

The third type of family tree is a pictorial history.  This is a a collection of photos of people and events which is a visually fun way to tell your family history.  You can place your photos in chronological order and add biographical stories or descriptions of the events to complement the pictures.  Include photos of people, homes, schools, tombstones, churches, castles, farms, aerials views, weddings, children, work places, military photos, etc.  Several programs incorporate this into their system.  Many times when you are looking at photos, it can lead you to other people and questions about your family tree. This is a great way to show the life of people. I do this on Wednesdays when I do my wordless Wednesdays at times.  

Some people just do one type of research, I do all of them, because I like to paint the whole picture. 

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